Dropbox [Legacy]

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Warning: Dropbox support has been removed and is only listed here for backward compatibility


You can use either a personal Dropbox or a Dropbox for Business for synchronizing Attachments, but be aware that Dropbox might limit the amount of data calls allowed to a personal Dropbox - or even Dropbox for Business account at any time, which could interfere with the working of this faeture. For this reason we still recommend Amazon S3 for scalability, but Dropbox might be a good option for smaller needs. Once you select Dropbox as your choice in the Attachment wizard you'll see this screen:



The Access Token field will be empty if this is the first time you are setting up Dropbox for Attachments, otherwise it will contain the last token you received from Dropbox.


If you select "Get Access Token" you will be asked to log in to Dropbox with the account you wish to use for Attachments:



If the login is successful you will be returned to the previous screen with the Access Token filled in and a green button below:



Just select "Next" to complete the Attachments wizard.